Our Team



Gwen is our Programme & Resource Manager and the creative genius behind all the epic themes, crafts and programmes we run at Belmont Kids! Gwen has been part of the Belmont community since way back when she was in the Navy, but in more recent years she has worked on cruise ships as a Director of Youth Programmes. She brings so much experience working with kids and young people we don’t know what we’d do without her! Gwen is a self-admitted geek, who loves all movies action and sci-fi, loves a coffee or three, and is the smiliest, most welcoming human out!



Anna is our Communications Manager at Belmont Kids. She’s an ideas person, loves sports and the outdoors, often training for a running event or planning an adventure. She’s an extrovert, loves to keep morale high and is always looking to include others. Anna is passionate about working with children because she knows the positive impact an encouraging and supportive young adult can have on a child. She has experience working with kids at holiday camps, coaching sports teams, and leading our Belmont Youth group.



Laura is far up on the ranks for being every kid’s favourite leader. She has the best chat and would play football for hours. She is a delight to work with as she makes you coffee even though she doesn’t drink it herself. Laura is in her final year of school and we don’t say she’ll go change the world after school because she already is, reminding one kid at a time that they’re awesome, teaching them some new football tricks, and some chords on the guitar. In the school holidays, she volunteers down at Totara Springs Holiday Camps as a kids camp leader.



Jack of all trades (except cooking), Don is the “cool leader” who helps the kids build the best forts. His daughters Anna, Susie and Laura make 1/3 of the Belmont Kids team and they remind him to not let the “cool leader” get to his head. Don helps with the property work at Belmont Baptist, goes away to sea to captain ships in the NZ Marine Industry, and whenever he gets the chance is out sailing or cycling on the weekends. His favourite thing is giving others the opportunity to go on an adventure they may not otherwise get.



Rose, the better half of Don, is the biggest encourager of young people, parents, and our team! She is always available for a chat and you’ll leave feeling better for it. The kids love it when Rose is rostered on and have discovered she’s terrible at Connect Four so take advantage of the easy wins. When Rose isn’t netball coaching, hosting people at her home, or going on an adventure with her family she works at North Shore Hospital as a maternity nurse.


Susie is an awesome leader here at Belmont Kids. She’s super encouraging, enthusiastic and has fun game ideas. Currently studying at AUT university, she loves maths, and is great with helping the kids with their homework. On the weekend, you’ll find Susie playing netball, football, or tennis, which are just some of the sports she loves. She is kind and outgoing. In her spare time, Susie will be babysitting, dancing, sailing, mountain-biking, surfing, or baking up a storm in the kitchen.



Nathan has a wealth of experience working with kids. He works as student support at Rangitoto College and is a former manager of Before and After School Programmes in Browns Bay. Nathan loves sport, he plays cricket and is always down for some golf. Fun fact: he got 3 hole-in-ones in a row at mini-putt on a youth group outing. The kids help his ego by believing he’s hilarious.